Imperative form


Orders, warning, advices, instructions, make invitations, requests.
The imperative form can be used for all subjects.

Imperative form: Construction:

2nd person: Infinitive form without « to »:
Sit down!, Shut up!, Come here!
Play soccer with me! Eat your eggs!

Negativ form:

with « Do not » / « don’t »:
Don’t go there! Do not touch the computer!

1st person: Imperative with « Let’s »:

Let’s work now. Let’s have some breakfast.

Negativ form: with « Let’s not »:

Let’s not argue! Let’s not tell him the truth.
Let’s not leave him! Let’s not wait too long!

We use the Imperative:

1st person: when you give ideas to do something:(or not)

Let’s go! Let’s not worry for this!

2nd person: when we ask somebody to do something:(or not)

Stay here! Don’t move!

Imperative to give a direct order:

Intonation is important: each word is stressed,
the tone falls at the end of the sentence, with an exclamation mark.
You give an order to children, students, animals.
Sit down!, Shut up!, Go into your room!, Don’t give up!,
Work harder! Come here!, Sit!

Imperative to give a warning of danger:

All the words are stressed,
the last word has a higher tone than the first word.
Don’t cross!, Watch out!, Look out!

Imperative to give instructions (+ signs, notices, etc …).

Students, open your book. Take the first left and then the second right.
Push. / Pull. (on a door) Do not use. / Plug and Play. / Insert coins.

Imperative to give an advice:

Speak to her, and tell her you love her. (Here, words are stressed normally)
Don’t tell him now. Wait until Monday. Have a rest and drink milk with some honey.
In magazines, you can read informal advices as « Dos and don’ts »:
Do try to walk 30 minutes every day., Don’t drink coffee after 18.00.

Imperative to make an invitation:

Come in and sit down.
Have a piece of this cake.

Imperativ to make a request:

We use the imperative form with a polite word.
Please hold the line. Please don’t smoke here.
Please wait here. Please take a seat.

Imperative with « DO » as a « more polite » form:

Do come. Do sit down.

Imperative with « KINDLY » as a « more polite » form in written english:

Kindly make me a copie of this document.
Kindly return the documents as soon as possible.